Examine a toy with a rechargeable battery and you are likely to find a lithium-polymer cell powering the works. But a new kind of battery architecture called lithium-metal is getting a lot of attention these days because it has a capacity and energy density potentially far exceeding that of lithium-polymer versions. Lithium-metal batteries use lithium…
Don’t rush to choose rechargeable batteries…at least, not yet
Using energy harvesting and a rechargeable battery to power a remote wireless IoT node seems like an obvious and straightforward solution, but there are some unique aspects to consider. Don’t get me wrong: I really like rechargeable batteries; in fact, I like them a lot. Whether based on lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, lithium-ion, or other chemistry, our […]
Lithium-ion battery chemistries
Lithium-ion batteries are a popular type of rechargeable battery which stores energy in lithium ions. They typically have a lithium metal oxide cathode and a graphite anode, separated by a thin layer of lithium salt solution acting as the electrolyte. Different battery chemistries use different cathode, anode, and electrolyte materials to change the battery’s performance.…
Lithium-iron phosphate batteries are scalable to 800 V
electroVolt announces its new PRISLogic Lithium-Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries. Engineered for safety and reliability, the PRISLogic prismatic cells provide the highest level of performance without the cost, complexity, and lead time of a custom-built solution. Designed to support a variety of specialized applications, including telecommunications, data center backup, material handling, and unmanned systems, the 12.8v PRISLogic modules are […]
18650, 21700, 30700, 4680 and other Li-ions – what’s the difference?
There are many sizes of cylindrical lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells, and the number of sizes continues to grow. Some are optimized for use in simple devices such as toys and flashlights; others are mainly found powering portable electronics and electric vehicles. This FAQ begins by reviewing the broad landscape of cylindrical Li-ions, including protected and non-protected…
Researchers devise PV cell/battery combo that recharges itself
A group of researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have come up with a coin cell that uses lead-free, bismuth-based, all-inorganic halide perovskite as an anode which also incorporates a photovoltaic cell to recharge itself. Writing in the June 2021 journal Nano Letters, the group says they developed a perovskite that…
World’s largest lithium battery bank grows even larger with 400-MWh addition
The world’s largest lithium-based energy storage facility has just gotten a little bigger. Construction of Phase II of the Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility in California is now complete, adding 100 MW/400 MWh to the site, which now reaches 400 MW/1,600 MWh in total. “This facility provides a solution California desperately needs and this expansion was…
What is an electrolyte?
The electrolyte in a battery is the substance that allows electrical current to flow between the anode and the cathode. Electrolytes may be fluids or solids. Soluble salts, acids, and bases can generally act as electrolytes. While current flows through a metallic conductor in the form of lone electrons, within an electrolyte current flows in…
The difference between lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries
A lithium-ion polymer (LiPo) battery (also known as Li-poly, lithium-poly, PLiON, and other names) is a rechargeable Li-ion battery with a polymer electrolyte in the liquid electrolyte used in conventional Li-ion batteries. There are a variety of LiPo chemistries available. All use a high conductivity gel polymer as the electrolyte. LiPos provide higher specific energies…
The difference between a lithium-ion battery and a lithium-ion capacitor
A lithium-ion capacitor (LIC) is a type of supercapacitor. It’s a hybrid between a Li-ion battery and an electric double-layer supercapacitor (ELDC). The cathode is activated carbon, the same as is found in an ELDC, while the anode consists of carbon material pre-doped with lithium ions, similar to those found in Li-ion batteries. LICs are…