The R&D World Index (RDWI) for the week ending October 22, 2021, closed at 5,391.27 for the 25 companies in the R&D World Index. The Index was down -1.19% (or -65.00 basis points) from the week ending October 15, 2021. The stock of 12 R&D World Index members gained value from 0.1.50% (Johnson & Johnson)…
R&D World Index: Increased battery R&D exposes secondary issues
The R&D World Index (RDWI) for the week ending March 12, 2021 closed at 4,446.93 for the 25 companies in the R&D World Index. The Index was down -0.27% (or 12.20 basis points) from the week ending March 5, 2021. The stock of 21 R&D World Index members gained value from 0.14% (Novartis) to 10.25%…